Saturday, November 15, 2008

"What does Noah think...

about having a baby sister?" "Does he understand that a baby is coming soon?" These are questions we hear a lot and I think the pictures below show how pretty unaware he is! We got a box of hand me down baby girl clothes (so cute!) and he proceeded to pick the lavender gingham bloomers out and put them on his head :) He is pretty entertaining!


Grandma Mathisen said...

These pictures are hilarious! Dad and I are laughing so hard right now!! Noah is not aware that his entire little world will change soon... One thing certain....more laughs to come:)

Mike and Mindy Roth said...

Love the couch cusions on the floor. That is what Jaycoby loves to do. He has one couch that he is allowed to pull the cushions off of and he could jump on to them for hours :).

~ Abby said...

He is so handsome, and growing so fast!! Well, Derick and I wants to say hello to you guys. Hope all is well. k, God bless!